
Piano Tuning

The “raison d’être” of piano technicians everywhere, to keep your instrument singing beautifully. For discerning pianists or high-use instruments, tunings are often needed several times per year. For the majority of home piano players, annually is usually sufficient. Tunings take about 1 hour, and in that time I will tune the piano completely, as well as fully inspect the instrument and if needed, make adjustments or quick repairs as needed. The tuning is also where I will discover if your piano is in need of additional service which will improve it’s tone, playability or longevity. I will share these findings with you and together we can identify priorities based on your specific use-case of the instrument.


Piano Service/Repairs

From re-gluing a loose keytop to completely re-stringing your piano. During my visits I will take note of the state of your piano’s thousands of parts and keep you advised as to their condition. I’ll be able to give you timelines for upcoming needed repairs or maintenance so you can plan appropriately. Of course this is all related to your specific piano, it’s frequency of use, level of player using it, and age/value of the instrument. I won’t be trying to sell you repairs or services which outstrip the value of the instrument, or which are not justified by the overall condition of the piano. I believe strongly that sometimes it is better to hold off on repairs and begin the planning around upgrading the instrument. You can trust that I won’t hesitate to suggest that to you if that’s what the best course of action is for your needs.

Piano Inspection/Appraisal

If you are considering purchasing a pre-owned piano, or need an appraisal, I can help. I will evaluate the condition of: the soundboard, bridges, action components, strings, pinblock, tuning pins, keys, pedals, case. I will also do a sample tuning of notes across the entire keyboard to establish the health of the pinblock and tuning pins. I will check the action for performance and wear. I will advise you on the market value of the piano if you are trying to purchase it, or the replacement value if you are having it appraised. I can provide a written report if needed.


Piano Moving

If you need to move your piano, contact Ottawa Piano Mover. I have worked with them all, and would only recommend one service: I’ve worked with them for almost 10 years and they are without a doubt the nicest, most courteous and professional folks in the business. Contact Arden or Cheri Robitaille at 613-622-0436 today to get a quote. Tell them Rob sent you. :)


Dampp-Chaser Climate Control

I am a certified Dampp-Chaser Installer and would be happy to discuss the benefits of climate control for your piano with you. If your piano is important to you due to value or heirloom status, you need to seriously consider managing the climate of the piano to maximize longevity of your instrument and minimize the effects of humidty - low OR high.


Piano Cleaning

I am available to deep clean your piano. The insides of pianos are delicate places, and they often end up with decades of dust, spiderwebs, mouse nests and all manner of things inside. Cleaning your piano needs to be done by someone who knows how to do so without damaging your instrument.